Becoming a more courageous leader

One of the joys of working with my clients is seeing the bold moves they make.

I’m delighted to share this feedback from Kari Jones, a long-term client who has gone from strength to strength in her career. Through her development journey, among many things, we’ve worked together to cultivate a more courageous leadership approach. (You can read more about Kari’s leadership journey in her Tech Exec interview here.)

If Kari’s experience resonates with you and you’d like to discuss how I could support your leadership journey, please get in touch.


Video Transcript:

“Having a professional coach as expert as Aenslee run alongside me for most of my senior professional career has been absolutely profound.

I wasn't necessarily feeling particularly challenged in my role. I wasn't necessarily feeling particularly successful on a regular basis. That’s when I engaged with Aenslee.

She has encouraged me to be brave. And courageous. And to say yes to the things that I may have doubted myself.

She has helped me navigate asking for pay rises, navigating those awkward discussions, asking for the next job, dealing with disappointment when you don't get the job that you went for.

With Aenslee, it's never just the coaching conversation or the coaching session. Always a different tool, a different thing to try.

Aenslee has very much been part of helping me remove some of the ‘armour’ that you tend to wear as a leader, and make it much more okay, and actually a benefit, to sharing how you're feeling.

I don't think I could have taken my career to the level that I have without her. 

And we’re not done yet.”