Aenslee Tanner - Leadership Coaching | Vertical Development

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How can Adult Development help cultivate self-confidence?

Adult Development Theory (aka Vertical Development) helped give me a fresh perspective on what confidence is and how to cultivate it.

On my quest to feel more self-confident, I felt like I'd tried it all: positive affirmations, meditations designed to quieten my inner critic, courageously putting myself forward for opportunities and practicing the things I wasn't yet confident in to gain more experience and prowess...

I gobbled up any scientific research I could find on the topic of building self-confidence and overcoming the Imposter Phenomenon and put the findings into practice for myself.

While I saw some shifts from those activities, it was finally coming across the topic of Vertical Development and working with various researcher's Adult Development frameworks that made the biggest difference to my understanding of what confidence is, where it comes from and how we can more effectively cultivate it for ourselves.

In this video I explain how making the transition from the Socialized to Self-Authored form of mind can help you feel more self-confident.