Aenslee Tanner - Leadership Coaching | Vertical Development

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5 health & wellbeing books to help you feel and perform at your best

If you’d like to feel more vibrant and take your mental and physical performance to the next level, the following health and wellbeing books are some of my top recommendations.

All are science-based, quick reads with a focus on practicality (each includes workouts, recipes, or practices that you can begin implementing immediately), and each has positively influenced my own wellbeing and performance in some way.

I hope they challenge what you think you know (like they have me!) and inspire you to get curious about experiments you can undertake in order to unleash even more of your potential.


1) As with all the content on this website, you can trust that none of the links on this page are affiliate links. I am recommending these books because I have personally found them useful in my own life.

2) Obviously, results may vary from person to person. You are a unique individual with a unique body and physiology. Please consult with your healthcare providers as you experiment with optimizing your own health, wellbeing, and performance.